Please describe the case in detail

In particular please consider (a)Objectives of the intervention; (b) Tools used to achieve the project goals; (c) Methodologies applied;

Every study course group (there are four undergraduate study courses and two graduate study courses at Virovitica College, i.e. 16 study course groups) has its own tutor (called 'Mentor') that during the semester holds at least two meetings with their Tutorship group, advising the students and gathering information from them. Tutorship groups meet separately regarding the College accreditation and drafting new study reports. A Tutor is a person whose primary task is to look after their particular group of students, as regards completion of their student obligations. They are also available to students regarding any problems they might have during their studying (functioning as students' 'advice-giving service'). In this way, we can, in any given moment, be aware of any issues concerning our students which guarantees constant flow of information between students and Virovitica College. An example would be building of the Student Dormitory which solved the accommodation issues for many students. Students use this kind of communication to complain about disadvantages in study process, suggesting improvements to the curriculum itself and giving feedback on the study process. In this way, Virovitica College can change its strategy by adapting it to the needs of the student body. This communication technique makes Virovitica College more competitive from the aspect of target group, i.e. students since they can directly contribute to creation of the curriculum (their comments and suggestions are taken into consideration when curriculum changes are made during re-accreditation).

What resources are required for the case?

Consider human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, in-kind resources and any other type required.

For the Tutorship groups, human resources are required concerning the teaching staff involved in the project, i.e. currently 16 different teachers are responsible for their student groups, while minimal infrastructural and financial resources are required since the groups meet twice per semester for about 45 minutes and they only need an adequate space for the meeting. Meeting are organised after or between lectures and teachers do it on a voluntary basis so no extra financing is needed.

What are the enabling factors making this case successful?

Consider institutional support, environmental/social/political factors, etc.

Tutors and students do it voluntarily and are supported and encouraged by the institution to do so regularly. Positive social effects are visible because students are aware that their opinion is taken into consideration and their contribution is valued at Virovitica College.

Why do you consider this case to be good/best practice?

Please consider that a best practice must (a) have a clearly defined objective to increase the connection with the World of Work, (b) address the target groups of the project, (c) be replicable and sustainable, (d) have clearly demonstrated evidence of effectiveness in increasing the connection with the World of Work

The Tutorship groups provide an example of collaboration and using feedback to positively influence the development of the institution which students can replicate once they enter WoW themselves. The project is sustainable since it does not require any financing or special infrastructural support, only willingness for cooperation and time spent on meetings. The institution also gains valuable insight into its study programmes by getting feedback directly from its users, i.e. student body.