Please describe the case in detail

In particular please consider (a)Objectives of the intervention; (b) Tools used to achieve the project goals; (c) Methodologies applied;

EASS has established a tradition that starting lecturers are appointed a mentor and the internship coordinator organises study visits to different agencies. There is also a voluntary mentoring system meant for beginner lecturers, in which counsellors and supervisors are experienced lecturers.

What resources are required for the case?

Consider human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, in-kind resources and any other type required.

No additional resources are needed, only good will, relations and activity.

What are the enabling factors making this case successful?

Consider institutional support, environmental/social/political factors, etc.

Working as a one team at EASS.

Why do you consider this case to be good/best practice?

Please consider that a best practice must (a) have a clearly defined objective to increase the connection with the World of Work, (b) address the target groups of the project, (c) be replicable and sustainable, (d) have clearly demonstrated evidence of effectiveness in increasing the connection with the World of Work

New lecturers feel they are welcome and it makes their adaptation easier and less painful. Lot of our lecturers are coming from the field on internal security and their knowledge about this field is very good but pedagogical skills and knowledge are new. It is also very important to help our new lecturers from the other fields to get to know internal security speciality, because if the lecturer is good at English but is incompetent for example at policing or rescueing then he/she cannot teach our students professional English. Internship in agencies helps also our lecturers to build good relationship with the representatives of WoW.

Please provide links to further information

Including web-pages, multimedia material, scholarly papers, reports etc.
