Croatian Piloting Institutions
Institutions testing the PHE Quality Framework
in Croatia
Institutions testing the PHE Quality Framework
in Croatia
The mission of the University College of Applied Sciences „Hrvatsko Zagorje“ Krapina (VHZK) is to create professionals who will be able to respond to business challenges and increase the quality of education in Croatia. VHZK is producing highly qualified experts who are successfully responding to modern business challenges and, consequently, raising the quality of higher education enterprise in Croatia. That is achieved through study programs designed to promote knowledge relevant to society, respecting the business ethics and implementation of high-value criteria. VHZK vision is to become an elite institution in higher education and to achieve recognizable image of a market-oriented college that provides high quality services. We want to provide a quality transfer of competencies to students in order to create professionals capable of successfully addressing the business challenges of the future. The intention is to train leaders who will lead the progress of the economy in the region and the Republic of Croatia, young professionals capable to engage in the European labor market.
Aspira is a higher educational institution that provides programs specialised in tourism, gastronomy and sports. Aspira’s mission is to educate and train top managers in these fields, in order to become capable of competing in the labour market and being successful leaders in their organisations. Aspira’s priorities are: improve the quality of existing courses, develop new programmes in cooperation with foreign partners, empower individual careers, improve students’ knowledge of foreign languages, develop the International Cooperation Department and encourage tolerance towards diversity.
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Virovitica College as a dynamic and entrepreneur oriented college will become the regional center for professional education and applied research carrying out quality and effective education based on the concept of lifelong learning, responsibility for knowledge as a public goods, mobility and human potential development as the highest values of society. The mission of Virovitica College is the education of experts with expressed entrepreneurial spirit ready to apply the acquired knowledge and competition. Students, teachers, teaching assistants, and other contributors are the main force of Virovitica College, as people are the most important potential of every society. The teaching process at Virovitica College is based on promoting quality and contemporary comprehension in disciplined areas that are compatible with study programs and support the transfer of knowledge as the basic presumption of connection, development and cooperation with the economy and local community.