Modern learning solutions and learning tools
The Academy focuses on modern solutions to make the study process more efficient and flexible.
The Academy focuses on modern solutions to make the study process more efficient and flexible.
The Academy focuses on the broader and more effective implementation of modern learning solutions and learning tools in order to make the study process more efficient and flexible. By 2015, there were 315 e-courses, 38 learning objects and nearly 20 virtual simulation exercises compiled.
Technology (includes also financial resources) and competent staff.
Modern solutions
flexible and wide field of use
Modern solutions make the study process more efficient and flexible and usable also by graduates who are already working in the fieald of internal security and need to renew their knowledge (indipendent work with e-cources or learning objects) or to learn something new. Simulation centre is a good and cheaper way also for representstives of WoW to practice some special competences and situations (crisis management in the case of airplane accidents or pollution etc.).