Please describe the case in detail

In particular please consider (a)Objectives of the intervention; (b) Tools used to achieve the project goals; (c) Methodologies applied;

At least once a year the Advisory Body meets. The Advisory Body connects the Academy with the ministries and agencies related to the curricula as well as the society. It comprises the Secretaries General/Deputy Secretaries General of the Ministries, the Directors General of the Boards and a representative of the State Chancellery designated by the State Secretary and other persons designated by the Minister of the Interior.
Example of how to structure the communication with external stakeholders involving them in an advisory body. More information needed on the competences and impact of the advisory group discusions in the institutional policies and strategies.

What resources are required for the case?

Consider human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, in-kind resources and any other type required.

No additional resources needed, only good will, time and understanding it is important.

What are the enabling factors making this case successful?

Consider institutional support, environmental/social/political factors, etc.

cooperation and collaboration (EASS, agencies, ministry)

Why do you consider this case to be good/best practice?

Please consider that a best practice must (a) have a clearly defined objective to increase the connection with the World of Work, (b) address the target groups of the project, (c) be replicable and sustainable, (d) have clearly demonstrated evidence of effectiveness in increasing the connection with the World of Work

All the representatives of internal security meet in advisory body and give feedback and advises to eductional institution. it is a nice example of coopetation between EASS and WoW. The case is related with case "Development plan". It is sustainable because the advisory body as a mandatory institution is already set in act "The Statute of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences" (act of Minister of Interior).

Please provide links to further information

Including web-pages, multimedia material, scholarly papers, reports etc.
