International conference

The international scientific conference helps to bring together internal security experts and gives to the Academy opportunity to show itself and to conclude cooperation relations.

Acquisition of professional skills

Lessons in smaller groups, more than one lecturer and studying in a realistic environment helps to acquire professional skills.

Modern learning solutions and learning tools

The Academy focuses on modern solutions to make the study process more efficient and flexible.

Main directions of RD

WoW is involved in the establishing of the main directions of R&D activities.

Consultations with the Minister

Consultations with the Minister has great impact to renew and to follow development plans cross-sectoral and to be in the same field on information.

Staff counseling

EASS supports new starting lecturers by study visits to different agencies and voluntary mentoring system.

Student professional practice

Professional practice is one of the best possible acquirers of knowledge. It needs good and quality to develop in order to gain the knowledge of the students after graduation.

Development plan

Development plan of EASS follows the Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020 (ISDP) and the development plans of partner agencies.

Advisory body

Advisory Body is a nice andeffective example of coopetation between the Academy and WoW