Please describe the case in detail

In particular please consider (a)Objectives of the intervention; (b) Tools used to achieve the project goals; (c) Methodologies applied;

Once a year, there is an international internal security related scientific conference held, which is also open for the public. The conference focuses on the most topical issues of the area. The conference brings together more than 200 experts and people interested from Estonia and aboard.

What resources are required for the case?

Consider human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, in-kind resources and any other type required.

Organisation and management of the conference needs great effort from everybody. We organise it all by our people and any conference organisation company is not involved. It also needs financial resources and its budget fund is planned annually.

What are the enabling factors making this case successful?

Consider institutional support, environmental/social/political factors, etc.

Hard work and good relations and cooperation and collaboration. And also tradition and our conference as a trademark.

Why do you consider this case to be good/best practice?

Please consider that a best practice must (a) have a clearly defined objective to increase the connection with the World of Work, (b) address the target groups of the project, (c) be replicable and sustainable, (d) have clearly demonstrated evidence of effectiveness in increasing the connection with the World of Work

The conference brings people from internal security fieald together and brings the newest knoledge about last surveys, problems etc. The conference is the top activity of the year for EASS staff and brings us together for the mutual aim. The conference is quite popular and all the involves ministries, boards and researches are involved from Estonia and abroad.

Please provide links to further information

Including web-pages, multimedia material, scholarly papers, reports etc.
