Development plan
Development plan of EASS follows the Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020 (ISDP) and the development plans of partner agencies.
Development plan of EASS follows the Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020 (ISDP) and the development plans of partner agencies.
Since the activities of the EASS embrace several areas of internal security (rescue, police and border guard, custom and taxes, prison field) the Academy had to consider the development trends of the whole area of internal security when compiling its Development Plan. Hence, when compiling the development plan of the EASS, the Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020 (ISDP) and the development plans of partner agencies were followed. EASS and the other partner agencies (police and Border Guard Board, Rescue Board etc.), development plans are consolidated and need to have an acception from Ministry of the Interior. Development plan is weekly directly or indirectly under consideration - heads of agencies and rector of EASS have consultations with the Minister of the Interior.
For the development plan no additional recorces are needed. The management of EASS creates development plan and coordinates it with ministry and agencies. But of cource development plan has to be created wisely because all the aims, plans and actions need recources (both, human and financicial).
Mutual and long term vision over the administrative area;
cooperation and collaboration (EASS, agencies, ministry).
Shows active and deep cooperation between agencies (WoW) and education institution. Mutual plans and visions help to achieve goals and also to save the money (in implementation phase). Is sustainable, because development plans are created for five years and are renewed in every five years period.