Annual QA Conference

Joint cooperation of different stakeholders to foster QA of SCHE.

Institutional Strategy Defined and Created with all Stakeholders

All stakeholders have opportunity to express their opinion and suggestions. This way the problems/issues are analysed from different points of view. And a the feedback is regularly included in the curriculum.

HR ASPIRA – The Economic Council

Organization of the Economic Council implies the gathering of numerous economic experts, representatives of companies and the environment, to receive information about their needs through annual meetings. This information can be implemented in the audit of study programs and can direct the development of the institution to comply with the needs of economic representatives.

Consultations with the Minister

Consultations with the Minister has great impact to renew and to follow development plans cross-sectoral and to be in the same field on information.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is a consultative body connecting TTK UAS with the general public, being composed of representatives of business and cultural communities, professional associations, employers’ organisations as well as state and local government authorities. The main task of the advisers is to advise on the development of UAS and connect the WoW with higher education.

Project “100 steps in engineering”

Project “100 steps in engineering” is promotional activity to introduce the young people to engineering world. It is dedicated to 100th anniversary of Republic of Estonia. Organizing team invites to visit TTK UAS 100 classis, young people aged 6-19 years.

Charity event Christmas Morning

Traditional students organized charity event Christmas Morning has supported over the years maternal and tildreis shelters, SOS Children's Village, an animal shelter, Tallinn Zoo polar bears, children with disabilities, the project "Christmas in the hospital" and autistic people.

Student Corporation Ericius

Student Corporation Ericius unites students, lecturers and graduates. The Corporation organizes professional lectures, construction site visits and different common events with the aim to bring together students and graduates for exchanging knowledge and experience.

Development plan

Development plan of EASS follows the Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020 (ISDP) and the development plans of partner agencies.

Advisory body

Advisory Body is a nice andeffective example of coopetation between the Academy and WoW