Please describe the case in detail

In particular please consider (a)Objectives of the intervention; (b) Tools used to achieve the project goals; (c) Methodologies applied;

Annual Conference on QA is provided by Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges’ QA Commission. As such, the event is an opportunity for institutional staff of different levels (leadership, responsible for QA, teachers, administrative staff), employers, students, graduates and policy makers to get new knowledge and experiences on recent QA developments on national and international level. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to exchange their own experiences, to grow their own network of useful contacts. The programme is always divided into 2 parts – one being presentations and the other is a round-table with policy makers. It is also combined with providing results of evaluation of PHEI's excellence. As Association HVC we are particularly interested to foster different forms of PHEI active engagement which always reflects into new developments on institutional level. The outcome of each annual QA conference is publication of Conference Papers and Good Practices.

What resources are required for the case?

Consider human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, in-kind resources and any other type required.

The main resource is the engagement of different people into different parts of the event. As the involvement is always voluntary it means, human resources are crucial to make the event possible. Organisation of conference is always supervised by Association HVC’s QA Commission. Association HVC is also supporting the event by co-financing in part (revision of presentations, evaluation itself)., The hosting HVC is responsible for infrastructure and technological support.

What are the enabling factors making this case successful?

Consider institutional support, environmental/social/political factors, etc.

The most enabling factor is the staff working on the event, support of different stakeholders recognising advantages of this event. As the event is shifted every year into different region, different regional stakeholders are included, which gives larger and regionally specific scope of the impact. Part of the programme is also the round-table with policy makers who can be directly addressed by students, leaders, teachers. Vice versa, policy makers get direct input on the up-to-date situation within PHEIs, students and employers.

Why do you consider this case to be good/best practice?

Please consider that a best practice must (a) have a clearly defined objective to increase the connection with the World of Work, (b) address the target groups of the project, (c) be replicable and sustainable, (d) have clearly demonstrated evidence of effectiveness in increasing the connection with the World of Work

We would stress especially the joint approach of cooperation of all stakeholders. Crucial is the engagement of different staff, openness to new possibilities, knowledge and willingness to integrate all these into regular work of their own institutions.

Please provide links to further information

Including web-pages, multimedia material, scholarly papers, reports etc.
