College Hotel Astoria Bled

Annual QA Conference

Joint cooperation of different stakeholders to foster QA of SCHE.

Interdisciplinary Project Work with Concrete Outcomes

Interdisciplinary holistic approach bringing together a real experience of students professional and transversal skills with an emphasis on values such as contributing to the benefit of the local community and social inclusion.

Institutional Strategy Defined and Created with all Stakeholders

All stakeholders have opportunity to express their opinion and suggestions. This way the problems/issues are analysed from different points of view. And a the feedback is regularly included in the curriculum.

Study Visit of Lecturers in WoW (companies)

Lecturers, employed at our college, visit students who are doing their practical training in the company. By means of interviews with the mentor from WoW and students performing their practical training. We are able to identify recent trends and current needs of WoW. Also we can evaluate the company (WoW) and quality of practical training placement of our students.

Regional integration

Cooperation of Virovitica College and local business entities provides the opportunity for the students to gain insight into WoW through internship. Also, it is an opportunity for local businesses to meet the students and possibly find future employees in this way. It also provides feedback on the curriculum and whether it is appropriate for preparing students for WoW on the local level.

Observing the labor market needs

Virovitica College cooperates continuously with the local labor market by conducting surveys about the needs of the labor market and the skills which need to be included in the curriculum in order for our students to be well-prepared for entering the labor market. Also, student’s preferences are taken into consideration when creating new study programs in order to make the college programs more attractive to future students.

Centre for Practical Education

Strong and continuously nurtured partnerships with the World of Work mean more clarity for our students when making their career choices.