Ivana Stanojev
Ivana Stanojev2018-03-06 06:23:252018-03-06 06:23:25College Hotel Astoria Bled
PHE Quality Criteria: 5 - Learning Outcomes, 7 - Learning Methodology, 8 - Learning EnvironmentTagged: Airline industry, Culture, Culture and arts, Customs and cultures, Developing openness and tolerance towards other beliefs, Fair ITB, Gastronomy, Gender and lifestyles, History and politics, Hospitality service, Hotel industry, Learning about other nations, Local tour guiding, Local transport service, Top gastronomy products from all over the world on one place, Widening the horizons of students
With this excursion we try to realise network learning and applicate the theoretical gained knowledge in the realistic situation at the Berlin destination. At the same time we try to stimulate the development of skills such as practical and joined-up thinning in order to prepare our students for WoW. The Berlin Excursion organised by elected students under the mentorship of three lecturers is presenting the innovative educational concept of collaborative and competence based learning. This way students are able to gain in practice competences, knowledge and skills in field hospitality and tourism industry. As well they will get to know other culture and heritage and develop positive relations to different culture and countries people.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.